Multiguard Trials

Multiguard has been in place for over 7 months at Ballina Council. It has passed its trials.

This is Multiguard newly installed on an older in ground Hydrant at Ballina Council. The pipe has been dug out on this one but this does not always need to be the case. If the hydrant is centred well it will not be necessary to dig out anything. Multiguard will slide straight on.

Another Multiguard installed at Ballina Council. The only dirt is from installation. Installed November 2020.
This is Multiguard at work 7 months after installation.

Multiguard is easy to install on previously installed hydrants and stops ants from filling your hydrant well. No water shut off is required.


Multiguard for 80mm hydrants already in ground (No water shut off)

Likely to proceed upon successful Trials of Multiguard

Richmond Valley Council - Trialling
Port Macquarie Council - Trialling
Nambucca Council - Trialling
Ballina Council - Trialled/Now in use
Clarence Valley - Trial Finished/Accepted
Kempsey Council - Trial Finished/Accepted
Icon Water (ACT) - Trialling
Urban Utilities - Trialling
Logan CC - Trialling
Gold Coast CC - Trialling