Multiguard is for existing 80mm/100mm underground hydrants already installed in large numbers previously by Water Authorities. Multiguard does not require the water mains to be shut down for installation as it is pushed on over the top of the spring hydrant. *
Not included is the pn4 225 pvc stormwater pipe also required.
ACTEW (Icon Water) is conducting a trial now. When successfully finished they are looking at installing approximately 300 every year.
MULTIGUARD installation guide is available here.
Trial Tests for Multiguard are available here.
Multiguard easily retrofit's existing 80mm/100mm hydrants without shutting down the water main. It fits over the top of the hydrant. Multiguard fits 99% of hydrants regardless of flange type
Multiguard (White) also fits odd older types of hydrants that are larger then blue coated newer ones